Waiting Room

With all the waiting we do in our lives, you’d think us human beings would be patient and used to it by now. We wait in cashier lineups to be cashed out, at restaurant tables to be served, in waiting rooms to be assessed and in traffic jams to arrive our destination. Through all these moments, we don’t really tend to wonder: if we’ll ever make it out of the store with our items, if the food will ever arrive, if the doctor will ever see us or if we’ll ever make it to where we’re headed. We do however, sometimes ponder the outcome: how much will it cost, how will it taste, what will be my diagnosis and will I arrive safely? 

As we sit here in waiting during this global shutdown due to the Coronavirus pandemic, it’s easy for uncertainty and doubt to come to mind. I’ve found that in this season, many things are questioned and the future seems bleak. For many Christians, God’s promises are also now in question. You see, in the everyday waiting of life, it is not the fulfillment of what we’re waiting for that is in question but rather, the final outcome. However, it seems to me that in most cases, when it comes to the promises of God, it’s not the outcome that’s in question but rather, the very fulfillment of it.

Reviving Africa is holding on to the many promises God has for us. With everything suddenly coming to a halt, it is easy to wonder if those promises will ever come to pass. For anyone who is currently going through a similar situation, I want to quickly share what has been helping me hold unto His promises for my life and for Reviving Africa. 

First, be assured that the Word of The Lord is true and He cannot lie. He promises us in Isaiah 55:10-11 that His promises will always be fulfilled and will not fail. 

Second, His faithfulness has been proven time and time again. Joshua 21:45 shows an example of this by stating that “Not a word failed of any good thing which the Lord had spoken to the house of Israel. All came to pass.” Always remember, “He who promised is faithful” (Hebrews 10:23).

Third, it has been important for me to understand that God is immutable and cannot change. A changing God surely cannot be a God at all. For God to give us a promise and suddenly change His mind about it is to say that He is uncertain about His decisions. Is God really sitting on His throne, wrestling with His thoughts and contemplating His decisions? No, “He who is the Glory of Israel does not lie or change His mind; for He is not a human being, that He should change His mind.” (1 Samuel 15:29). The Message Translation puts it simply, “He says what He means and means what He says.”

My friend William Banda and I were recently talking about fear being the root cause of many sins, including unbelief. William shared with me this truth that has been resonating with me lately: “fear is a lack of trust in God’s abilities and a sign of dependance on one’s own abilities.” How true is it that when we don’t see things going the way we expect, we tend to lean on our own abilities to fulfill God’s promises over our lives? It’s fear that drives us to make such rash decisions and causes us to doubt the Word of The Lord. 

Today, be assured that God loves you enough to carry you into the promised land but He also loves you enough to do it in His perfect, divine timing. The covenant blood of Jesus is unwavering and holds true forever, claiming you to be the son or daughter of the Most High God with the Most High plans. Lord, we come and say “I believe; help my unbelief!” (Mark 9:24). Remove any unbelief and doubt in our hearts during this time of waiting. You are a God certain of what You do, even in this world filled with uncertainty. Your love for us is great enough to cast out all fear and to make us cling onto You. We place our plans and desires down at the foot of the Cross and surrender it all now. From this day forward we will live by faith, holding onto every Word You said. In the mighty name of Jesus we pray. Amen!

2 replies
  1. William
    William says:

    This is awesome and so encouraging and so timely a word. Thank you Kirolus for being obedient in sharing this word. Thank you..


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