Testimonies from Nyenyeshi, Zambia – Nov 19th 2019

On Tuesday November 19th, 2019 we visited Nyenyezi village for our youth soccer event. As soon as we rolled up, we were greeted by children who were filled with joy to see us. Right away our team decided to spend some time with them, pray for them and love on them. While we were spending time with the children, adults from the village joined the prayer time with our team. 

During prayer time we saw God move in miraculous ways, and we experienced His healing hand. Some of our favourite testimonies are: 

  • There was a lady who had been bitten by a poisonous snake sometime last year. She was in a lot of pain since the bite. After praying for her she was pain free in her arms and legs which is where she had experienced the most pain.
  • We had the opportunity to pray for a lady that had poor eyesight and both her eyes were in pain. After praying for her she was able to see long distance and she was pain free.
  • A man had a lot of chest pain. After praying for him the chest pain was gone, and he was pain free.
  • A child around 14 years old injured his ankle and wasn’t able to walk properly. He was completely healed after we prayed for him. He was able to walk, jump and run with no pain. 
  • We saw many children get healed from tooth aches, eye pain, bad hearing, ear pain and headaches. 

We also experienced God move in the prophetic. A man came running to us asking to be led to the Lord. We prayed for his salvation and God gave us prophetic words for him, which later on during the day we saw it unfold in his life. 

We are so thankful to see God move in such ways in Nyenyeshi, Zambia. We are excited to see what more is to come. Glory be to God! 

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