Prayer Needs July 2023

It’s important to us to have a community join us in prayer for not just our needs as an organization but for the people we serve and the people that serve with us. Thank you for taking time to pray for the for the following things:

  1. For the safety of our missionary in Nyenyezi, Zambia, Mike Manjimela. Mike has been confronted with lots of witchcraft in the village with the intent of harming him, not just spiritually or emotionally but physically as well. After moving into a new area of the village, he found out that some people take advantage of newcomers and kidnap them to sell their body parts in the black market for witchcraft activities. Pray for God’s protection over Mike, that no weapon formed against him will prosper and he would remain at peace knowing God is his great defence.
  2. For the community of Nyenyezi, Zambia. That God would penetrate through the hardest of hearts with the Gospel message of Jesus. That the land would become a place where the Holy Spirit is welcomed and the evil presence of witchcraft and sorcery would be pushed out, in Jesus’ name. Pray that as our missionary, Mike visits homes and speaks to people in the marketplace, that their ears would be open and hearts receptive as the seeds are planted.
  3. For our friend, Tendai in Domboshaba, Zimbabwe suffering from chronic back pain. Tendai has been suffering from chronic back pain for many months now and has basically been bed-ridden, unable to do her everyday chores. A specialist diagnosed her with a herniated disc which needs surgery, costing roughly $9700 USD in Zimbabwe. The surgery could possibly cost less if done in South Africa but the long journey would make it difficult and painful to get there. Tendai recently visited us in Zambia with her husband, Webster to help out with our Discipleship Program. It was a miracle that God allowed for her to have minimal pain on the day’s travel to and from Zambia. We pray that God would continue to heal her and help her during this season and provide every dollar amount needed in order to receive the surgery she needs. Her healing would help her get back to the many responsibilities she has at home and with her ministry to women of the village.
  4. For the funds to translate our Discipleship Program to Bemba. Now that we’ve decided on discipleship training material on our last visit to Zambia, it is important to translate the English material into the local language of Bemba. We’ve found someone who’s able to translate for us but now we just need the funds to do it. It can get costly to translate and print all books for each member of the Discipleship Program and we are trusting God to provide

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