WE HAVE EXCITING NEWS! – November 2021 Update

It’s been a long time of waiting for what God has commissioned us to do but we know His timing is perfect. Reviving Africa is excited to announce that building in the village of Nyenyezi, Zambia has officially begun!

What’s Happening?
We’d like to thank you once again for your prayers and support of our last 2 fundraisers throughout the past 2 years for the building of the community centre in Nyenyezi, Zambia. Our goal of $12,500 for the 1st phase was reached thanks to your generous support. 

God has opened up the door for us to begin construction on the land and to chase after the vision He has given us to bring transformation in the village through the Gospel of Jesus via the Reviving Africa community centre. 

In order to get started, we have commissioned our direct neighbours in Nyenyezi to construct temporary structures for us that consist of:
1. Two 2-bedroom homes
2. 1 shower
3. 1 pit latrine for a toilet
4. 1 hand dug well with a cover

These temporary structures serve the purpose of housing missionaries so that we may begin the mission in Nyenyezi without further delay.

When Will Building Begin?
The building of the temporary structures was started on Saturday, October 2 and is expected to be completed by the second week of November. So far, all 3200 bricks have been made, the buildings are half-way up, the well has been dug, and the grass for the roofing has been collected. Praise God!

The construction of phase 1 is scheduled for Monday, November 8 but delays in the architectural designs could most likely push this date back a few weeks. Thank God we don’t need to rely on the completion of phase 1 to begin our mission work. Join us in prayer for the designs to completed in God’s timing without trouble and delays. Pray for God to guide the architects (who are men of God from Nigeria), to give them the best design that suits our vision.

Missionary & Move-in Date

We’ve been praying for God to send us a missionary to begin the work in Nyenyezi for quite some time and praise God, and He sent us Mike Manjimela. Mike is a former student of our education program. We were able to help him graduate high school about 3 years ago. He is an active member and leader at William’s church, King’s Embassy.

Mike has a heart for missionary work and reaching out to the lost and hurting people of Zambia. Gilbert and I had the privilege of meeting Mike and it is evident that his life is sold out for Jesus. We are so excited to be sending him out – alongside his church and mentor, William Banda – to the mission field on behalf of Reviving Africa Zambia. Let’s thank God for this answered prayer.

To begin, Mike will have several responsibilities:
1. To oversee and manage construction of land in different phases
2. To pray over the land
3. To understand the needs of the people
4. To look for opportunities to reach the people
5. Protect and maintain the land
6. Host RA team and possible missionaries
7. Build relationships
8. Door to door evangelism and praying for people, being there for them
9. Host a Bible study
10. Train and raise guard dog

His long-term goals along with the long-term goals of the mission’s base as a whole are:
1. To establish ministries and programs as needs are presented and revealed by the Lord (for example: security team, medical clinic, cafeteria, skills training centre)
2. Constant maintenance and development of land
3. Host mission trips and outreach events (i.e. gospel campaign, soccer event)
4. Community relations
5. Hub for making disciples and spiritual growth

Mike is scheduled to move in on Monday, November 15th. Please remember to pray for both him and William who will be joining him occasionally to support him and help him get established.

Education Program Update
We are proud of the progress of the children in our education program. Grace and Isaiah in Zambia and Makanaka and Chloe in Zimbabwe have entered their third and final semesters of the year. We have seen great success with all 4 kids and we couldn’t be more proud. Each one is thankful for the education they have and consider it a great blessing from God. 

I’ve been sent videos of Chloe and Makanaka in Zimbabwe and it amazed me to hear them speak fluent English! When I met them in 2018 they could hardly communicate with me, especially the little one, Chloe. What a blessing to see the progress in these children! Our kids are taught that with God, all things are possible. They are encouraged by our leaders to never give up as they are loved and supported along this journey of education. Thank you so much for your love and support of these children throughout the years!

Thank you for following along on our journey of what God is doing through Reviving Africa. Please continue to pray for us and the people we reach out to. 

If you’d like to continue to support our children financially through the education program or the work in the village of Nyenyezi, please consider donating online at the link below. We are currently looking to cover the monthly costs of sending out our missionary and to collect enough for next year’s tuition which the due date is quickly approaching in January. As we expand, so do our needs, which we know God will always supply. 

Feel free to reach out to us with any questions or concerns. Thanks for your support as always!



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