Visit to Nyenyezi for Fellowship

Today we had a great start of fellowship with the people of Nyenyezi. It was the first visit of our plan to regularly meet with the people and just share a quick word with them and spend time in prayer and worship. This is to prepare the soil of the hearts in time for the Gospel campaign later this year. We had 8 people in attendance and plan to go back again on the 30th of May. We sang songs of praise and worship and I ministered the word on Jesus, the light of men. We truly had an amazing time

After, we had snacks, then we had 30 minutes prayers for the land of Nyenyezi as a team. We prayed for the land, prayed that we possess the land from the hands of the enemy. Had someone attend the fellowship who shared how the place has been under control to the spirit of witchcraft for so long. He shared how people came before trying to establish God’s work, especially pentecostal ministries and how they have been fought. He was so so thankful that we have come to the land. He said this brings them so much hope for this land. We are so positive that this move will and has triggered something in the spirit that will bring so much spiritual results.

The situation of the Corona Virus is calm now, but movements are restricted and health measures are strongly being enforced. One advantage of people in Nyenyezi is that most of them are farmers. Meaning they have developed life styles that revolves around farming and they can pretty much control things to some extent. But on the market, you may not find many people like we used to find them, cause people are aware of the virus and are extra cautious too.

We thank God for your prayers and ask that you continue to support us in this way. We are excited for what’s to come and we already see the hand of God in all of this. Please join us in prayer for the light of Jesus to shine bright in the land of Nyenyezi and that our young team would have the strength and be filled with more of the power of the Spirit to carry out all that God has purposed for them, in Jesus’ name!

God bless you,

William Banda

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