Clean Water in Nyenyezi

See how your donations made clean drinking water possible in the village of Nyenyezi, Zambia!



We invite you to come discover who we are. Learn about our
mission, vision, story and heart for Africa.


Click Here to Donate Today!

Reviving Africa is a Canadian registered charity with the CRA (Charity Registration Number 704463801RR0001)

our desire

is to see God:


All that the enemy has stolen from the African people including their originally intended relationship with the Father, as made possible only through Jesus.


The land, health, strength and hope of the African people, through Jesus alone.


Governments, the land and the people so that the Kingdom of God would reign throughout Africa.


Reviving Africa wants to be a part of eradicating poverty in Africa. We believe education is a key part of making this happen. Education is a gift from God and everyone deserves to have it. It hurts us to know there are many who cannot afford education but eagerly desire it. Our program makes it possible for children to go to school with fees 100% covered. A low tuition fee of approximately $150 gives a child an education for one term (3 terms/year), including school supplies. Come partner with us as we believe to see God empower the next generation through education and alongside discipleship.

Get Involved – LEARN

Get involved by learning more about the beauty and diversity of the African culture. Learn to connect. Connect to make a difference.

Get Involved – DONATE

Get involved by giving. Give your prayers, donations and support us by sharing our mission with your friends and family.

Our Mission

We want to see Jesus become the hope of humanity by being used to demonstrate His love in the driest, darkest and impossible
situations so that the restoration, renewal and revival of Africa would become a reality.

“At first I thought I was dreaming but I wasn’t. Now I really believe that dreams do come true”
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Kitwe, Zambia

“God has done a lot of countless things in my life, I cannot tell it all”
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Ndola, Zambia

“I have seen that God is good, very caring and a Father to me and everyone else”
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Ndola, Zambia

we would like to hear from you

Send us any questions, comments, concerns or prayer requests you may have. Be sure to follow us on all of
our social media platforms for daily encouragement and updates.

© Copyright - Reviving Africa 2017-2023 | Reviving Africa is a Canadian registered charity with the CRA | Charity Registration Number 704463801RR0001